THE MOMENT WE’VE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR!! We are now in-network with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS)! We truly appreciate all your patience as we’ve been waiting for a while now. We are also in-network with United Healthcare (UHC/UMR) and Aetna. Stay tuned as we continue to wait for Cigna, Humana, and Medicare! We will let you know as soon as we know!
Don’t have insurance? No problem! We understand that health insurance can be expensive and some insurances don’t cover chiropractors. That’s why we have a cash rate that is reasonable and affordable. Our cash rate is $60 and includes everything - new patient exam, movement screen, adjustments, soft tissue, dry needling, IASTM, exercises and more!
Give us a call today at (615)-900-5187 to schedule your appointment. We look forward to seeing you!

To learn more about what insurances we accept at Tennessee Back Pain Center, visit