How can a Chiropractor help with sinus problems ?
We are glad you asked! Chiropractors can use methods such as adjustments, stretching, muscle work, and exercise techniques to help reduce inflammation and tension in the sinuses 🤧
👂 Adjustments of the cervical spine (neck), facial bones, and ears can help your sinuses drain.
💪 Loosening up the muscles of the neck, jaw, and upper back can also allow the sinus cavities to drain, decreasing any painful pressure you are feeling.
🏃 Exercises and stretches can help ensure your muscles stay loose surrounding the sinus cavities.
It's important to note that while chiropractic care can be beneficial for many people with sinus problems, it may not be the sole solution.
Do you have sinus pressure? Give us a call today at 615-900-5187! Let us help you!
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