If you find yourself constantly rubbing your shoulders, having your spouse give you a massage, or even readjusting the position of your shoulders due to pain, it's time to find a solution!
Shoulder blade pain is easily one of the most common complaints that we see. How can shoulder blade pain or knots be treated?
▪ Consistent stretching
▪ Relaxation
▪ Adjusting your workstation to alleviate the load
▪ Heating pad
This photo was taken of a collegiate baseball pitcher who consistently had pain in his shoulder blade. Nothing seemed to help decrease the pain and it was getting in the way of his performance. We recommended dry needling in that area. After one treatment, the pain was gone!
If you have nagging shoulder blade pain that you can’t seem to get rid of, consider trying dry needling! Give us a call today at (615)-900-5187.
