Yes, chiropractors can often help with hip pain. While hip pain can be caused by various factors, including arthritis, muscle strains, or nerve compression, chiropractic care can be effective in addressing certain types of hip pain.
Common hip conditions that chiropractors can help with include:
▪ Labrum tear
▪ Hip impingement
▪ Hip bursitis
▪ Hip flexor tightness
▪ SI dysfunction
▪ Piriformis syndrome
▪ Decreased range of motion
▪ Sciatica
▪ Arthritis
How Chiropractic Adjustments Can Help with Hip Pain
▪ Improving joint mobility through chiropractic adjustments
▪ Reducing muscle tension through cupping, dry needling, scraping, rehab exercises
▪ Improving strength and stability through rehab exercises
▪ Addressing nerve irritation through adjustments, exercise, and mobility work
If you or someone you know is suffering from hip pain, let Tennessee Back Pain Center help! Give us a call today or visit our website to schedule a consultation or new patient appointment.
